I laughed when I realized how many years it took to discover who I am.... by first zealously exploring who I am not

Friday, February 10, 2012

The plan and the season

So I feel like I have come off the high of beginning this process and have now hit the pavement for the long stretch into this process. I'm doing good with my food. Still a little apprehensive about the grocery store, but working on that this weekend. Going to start adding in some walking and stuff this week so excited about that. You know there is something that happens when you know it's time. You can't fake it, you can't force it. To everything there is a season, and this is working because it's my season. For whatever reason, right now in February of 2012 it became my season. Everything in my life lined up exactly with the plans that Father had for me to do this. I know that missing even one ingredient would have changed the timing of this. It would have begun and ended just like every other time I thought about getting healthy but didn't really do anything about it. So let me answer the question that maybe your thinking, or maybe I'm the only one thinking "How do I know this is it and it's not just another failure?" Well. I don't know. Except I know that there is deep inside me a feeling, an impression let's say and I see myself with my feet burrowed deep in the sand and my body hunching down, digging in and saying I am doing this. No matter what, no matter if I fail one day, it's one day, not the rest of my life. I am called to do more and be more than how my life has been. So one day at a time I'm taking a step toward walking that out. It's my season. I know it's my season because something in me has changed and is looking a new direction. Only God can do that. Only His perfect plan can do that. But I'm realizing, that for all the plans and directions and seasons that God has for me, only when I'm obedient to walk them out do they happen. I could have never shared with Christine how much I weighed. But because I was obedient to be open and transparent she was able to share with me that her and Alex had been praying for me and Boom. that was it. The switch flipped. The journey began. One act of obedience. One moment in time. One second to make a decision to be honest and share my pain, my struggle. One moment in time for God to whisper deep in my heart "this is it, this is your moment and I'm here, and I'm gonna help you". He has continued to whisper and tell me that I can do it. So has all the people who have emailed, texted, hugged, called and encouraged me. Because to me this isn't about losing weight. It's about being who God called me to be and walking out His plan in my life. I've just happened to reach the part where he is purging me from the "weight" that has held me in one place for so long. So my part is obedience to do whatever he tells me. His part: well He holds the plan and I get to enjoy the ride.